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A Call-Out for Lost Voices

E-Race the StigmaA Call-Out for Lost Voices

Over the years, one of the most gratifying things about our Lost Voices work has been the partnerships we’ve enjoyed with other organizations. In our last Lost Voices Newsletter we talked about working with District 6380 of Rotary International, Epic Races, and sixteen other mental health-related nonprofits in the E-Race the Stigma Mile-A-Day Marathon. This ongoing effort to stamp out the stigma attached to seeking help for mental health issues has not only been a wonderful success, it has also earned us a call-out from some really amazing Women from Michigan. Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Senator Debbie Stabinow both found the time to support the Marathon, and to mention us! 

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer supports the Ann Arbor E-Race the Stigma Mile-A-Day Virtual Marathon to end the sense of shame attached to people seeking help for mental health issues.


United States Senator from Michigan Debbie Stabenow helps kick off the Ann Arbor Mile-A-Day Marathon to support behavioral health care.

By the way, it’s not too late to sign up for the Mile-A-Day Marathon and join in!

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