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Facebook Fundraisers

Facebook LogoPicture this – as of the fourth quarter of 2019, there were 2.5 billion monthly Facebook users. That’s a whole lot of people! For a nonprofit like Lost Voices, Facebook has become one of the most important communication channels we have. It gives us a powerful and inexpensive way to get our message out and communicate with our supporters on an ongoing basis.

One very cool thing about Facebook is that they provide online fundraisers. You probably remember Giving Tuesday back in December, when we raised nearly $5,000 from our generous supporters on Facebook on one day. When you include offline donations and the generous overall match of our Giving Tuesday gifts by Don Soenen, we were able to raise more than $10,000. That’s enough to cover most of the expenses for two complete sessions of hope and healing with the kids!

What you may not have paid all that much attention to is all the other Facebook fundraisers that pop up throughout the year. During 2019, the individual fundraisers people did for Lost Voices raised thousands of dollars, with $1,200 coming in from one birthday fundraiser alone. Make no mistake about it, this money makes a HUGE difference in what a charity like Lost Voices is able to accomplish.

Since Lost Voices is a recognized 501c3 nonprofit, Facebook does not take anything from the donations they process. Whether you give $5 or $500, all of it goes to support the work we do.

If you would like to run your own Facebook fundraiser to support Lost Voices at any time during the year, just go to https://www.facebook.com/fund/LostVoices.org/. You just decide on your fundraising goal and how long you want the fundraiser to go, and enter why you’re asking people to donate to Lost Voices. Here’s an example of the copy one of our supporters used in his birthday fundraiser last year:

For my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to Lost Voices. I’ve chosen this nonprofit because their mission means a lot to me, and I hope you’ll consider contributing as a way to celebrate with me. Every little bit will help me reach my goal. I’ve included information about Lost Voices below:

Our Mission:
We help kids who are victims of trauma find hope and healing through the power of music.

Our Vision:
A world where all kids feel valued, recognize their self-worth, and grow up confident, caring and connected.

Our Values:
We believe all kids deserve the opportunity to change their behaviors and lives.
We value musicians as professionals who can transform young lives.
We promote hope, diversity, creativity, nurturing, and healing.

People do these fundraisers for birthdays, memorials, holidays, or just because they feel like it, and they bring in desperately needed money to help the kids. It’s easy to do, it feels good, and we deeply appreciate it!




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