What's Happening

Fear is Just a Reason To Try Harder

Anyone familiar with Lost Voices knows how clever and deeply introspective the kids can be. I’ve been writing songs with them for a decade and a half, and I’m still constantly amazed at the quality and diversity of the lyrics they come up with. During the six programs we were able to do this year, we created original music with more than 50 girls and boys. 

We got songs about resilience:

Like a phoenix we rise from the ashes
Growing stronger every time
Using the scars from the past to guide us
We look for a brighter future.

And dragons:

Scary and fierce – but sneaky…

And forgiveness:

I love you mom, never be mad at me.
You are my smile, into the life ahead of me.
Everyday I think of all the things you did,
wondering – should I forgive you?
Or should I move on, and go to bigger and better things?

And reconciliation – sort of:

I want you back, I want you back
Just want you for a second
Doesn’t even have to last
Just want you long enough
So I can dump you on your… birthday

The kids also create amazing collaborative group songs. Here is one, written in August,  that contains one of the greatest lines I’ve heard in music:

A Longer Night

We are the future
With secrets from our past
With all of our courage
A good ending at last

A longer night
Brings a brighter future
Still we rise again
Cry a river
Build a bridge
Then walk right over it
Walk right over it

We are resilient
We are stronger than you think
Though we have suffered
We would not change a thing

(Repeat Chorus)

We hear you talking
Things you say behind our back
We’re immune to your whispers
We reject your attacks.

(Repeat Chorus X2)

Fear is just a reason to try harder
Just another reason to try harder

And that’s just a small sample. Thanks to the Lost Voices kids, I would say that 2021 has been a pretty good year for new music!


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