What's Happening

Gearing Up for Virtual Lost Voices

Youth with iPadGearing Up for Virtual!

We’re all struggling to cope with the consequences of COVID-19, and this international crisis has changed many aspects of our lives.

But some things haven’t changed. The young boys and girls who so desperately need our help are still out there. And for many of them the uncertainty of the pandemic has made their troubled young lives even more difficult. This is why we’ve been working hard to convert the process of hope and healing that we’ve used for more than a decade to be totally virtual – and virus proof.

To make the whole thing all work, we need to assemble a Technology Kit we can lend to each facility. This means that we have to purchase tablets and WiFi connectivity for the kids to use, along with a lot of cables, connectors, cases, and gizmos that we never had to think about before.

To do all this we need to raise $5,000. To help things along, our generous benefactor Don Soenen is matching every donation, dollar-for-dollar, so your gift to help the kids will go twice as far!

Help Us Gear Up!

Here’s what your gift can do for the kids:

  • $10 can buy a screen protector for one of the tablets
  • $20 can buy a protective case for one of the tablets
  • $40 can buy the adapters and cable we need for the group songwriting portion of the workshop
  • $80 can buy a transport/storage case for the equipment
  • $140 can buy the WiFi Hotspot for a year
  • $350 can buy one complete tablet

Please consider a donation today, and help us change the life of a troubled child!

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