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Run for Fun and Lost Voices

Run for Lost Voices
(or maybe just walk)

We did it last fall, and we’re going to do it again!

Lost Voices is proud to be one of the seventeen mental health-oriented organizations chosen to benefit from the Ann Arbor Marathon in 2021. To kick things off this year, we’re participating in an Epic Races challenge to run, jog, or walk a mile a day for 26.2 days.

The Ann Arbor Marathon is dedicating profits to organizations like Lost Voices who help and support issues associated with mental health, and play an active role in reducing the stigma around mental illness. 

The Mile-A-Day challenge starts off on Sunday, March 21 and finishes up on Friday, April 16. If you’ve never done this sort of thing before, you will be surprised at how fun and easy it is. You can do it alone, or (masked) with a group. Since it’s outdoors and you are going at your own pace, you can socialize and still stay safe.

Here is a brief interview with Collyer Smith from the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor and Lost Voices Executive Director Mike Ball about the Mile-A-Day Marathon.

When you sign up, you can enter to just do the miles, or you can go all out and get some pretty cool swag. Either way, 10% of your entry fee goes to Lost Voices when specify us as your Charity of Choice. And if you form a Lost Voices Marathon Group, you can really spread the love!

So join us for some healthy fun, and help the kids. Get more information and Register here.

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