What's Happening

What’s Happening Now: A Dialogue on Racism

What's Happing Now: A Dialogue on Racism

This is recorded Webinar that is a frank and constructive discussion on racism in our society presented by Unity of Ann Arbor and Lost Voices. The panel consists of Rev. Patty Bittner, Atty. Robyn McCoy, Rev. Lindsey Anderson, Rev. Ernestine Griffin, and Lost Voices founder Mike Ball. The moderator is Gwen Scales.

The panelists have also compiled a useful list of informational resources, suggested reading, and related videos.

A Resource List to Begin the Journey

Online Articles
Structural Racism:

A Definition of Structural Racism

Core Concept of Structural Racism


Defining Structural Racism

1619 Project, Nicole Hannah Jones

The Case for Reparations by Ta’Nehesi Coates


White Privilege:

9 Everyday Examples of White Privilege

A Definition of White Privilege

What Is White Privilege?

White Privilege – Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack


Online Videos









Ted Talks archive of talks on racism in America- https://www.ted.com/playlists/250/talks_to_help_you_understand_r



How To Be An Anti-Racist- Ibram X. Kendi

So You Want to Talk About Race– Ijeoma Oluo

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism– Robin DiAngelo

Me and White Supremacy– Layla Saad

Between Me and the World– Ta-Nehisi Coates

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee– Dee Brown

A People’s History of the United States– Howard Zinn

The New Jim Crow– Michelle Alexander

Just Mercy- Bryan Stevenson

Open Season: The Legalized Genocide of Colored People– Ben Crump



Race: the Power of an Illusion (2003)- PBS Series

Thirteenth (2016)

Just Mercy(2019)

The Hate You Give (2018)

I Am Not Your Negro (2016)

Roots (1977)

Malcolm X (1992)

Sankofa (1993)

The Color Purple (1985)

12 Years a Slave (2013)


**Additional educational resources, exploring issues of race and the law available at Robyn McCoy’s website: https://www.robynlegal.com/


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